Day 53; 7 min, as many rounds: 3 pull-ups, 3 hang snatches (65lbs), 6 pull-ups, 6 hang snatches (65lbs), 9 pull-ups, 9 hang snatches (65lbs)…12…15

I completed 4 rounds, with 12 pull-ups into round 5. This wod was pretty fun, my hands didn’t like the results of my workout. After the 9th rep for pull-ups, my shoulders got very tight and it was very difficult to proceed with the hang snatches, but I pushed myself and completed them as fast as I could.

Day 51: 6 rounds, 30 seconds per exercise, 30 second rest inbetween, count total reps; toe to bars, dips, deadlifts (bodyweight, or 55% 1 rep max.), headstand push ups.

Toe to Bar: 71 total reps

Dips: 88 total reps

Deadlifts (body-weight): 57 total reps

Headstand Push-Ups: 49 total reps.



Day 49: 10 rounds for time; 5 ring rows, 5 wall balls, 10 hollow rocks. Completed in 6:28, pretty short but effective workout. It tired me out a bit due to my lack of exercise recently, would recommend as a starting workout for those interested in Crossfit and its intensity.

Assignment #2

Zone Diet:

  1. The premise of this diet is that theory has it that excess insulin makes us fat as well as keeps us fat. It regulates your blood sugar levels and makes your level of insulin in a tight “zone“, and that body burns fat more efficiently so that we lose weight.
  2. On this diet you get 3 meals and 2 snacks a day. Mix of low-fat protein (skinless chicken, turkey, or fish) Carbs (mostly fruits and veggies) As well as a small amount of “good” fat (olive oil, almonds, and avocado. Their rule is that no food is completely banned. Carb-lovers have trouble getting used to the Zone plan. Fruits and veggies with relatively high sugar levels (bananas, carrots, corn, raisins) are not favourable on this diet, fatty red meat and egg yolks fall into the diet’s “bad fats” column. Each meal is 30% protein, 30% fat, and 40% carbs, with about 1200 calories a day for woman and 1500 for men.
  3. Breakfast; Smoothie with 1 cup milk, 2 tbsp protein powder, 1 cup frozen strawberries, 1/2 cup frozen blueberries, 1 scoop cashews. Snack 1; 1/2 cup of grapes. Lunch; 1 slice bread, 3 oz. sliced deli meat, 1 oz. cheese, 3 tbsp avocado, on the side 1/2 apple. Snack 2; 1/2 cup of raisins. Dinner; 3 oz. baked chicken breast, 1 1/2 orange, 3 macadamia nuts.

Paleo Diet:

  1. The premise of this diet is that modern foods that mimic the food groups of our hunter, per-agricultural ancestors will help to optimize your health, minimize your risk of chronic disease, and lose weight.
  2. This diet pushes you to eat grass produced meats, fish/seafood, fresh fruits and veggies, eggs, nuts and seeds, healthful oils (olive, walnut, avocado, coconut.) all teas and coffees are permitted (only with wholesome foods) And to stay away from cereal grains, legumes (including peanuts), dairy (100% coconut milk is a substitute), refined sugar, potatoes (to the extend, sweet potatoes are allowed, minimal amount), processed foods, refined vegetable oils, salts. This diet has a rule that you can have 3 non-Paleo meals per week.
  3. Breakfast; 2 Omega-3 eggs scrambled in olive oil with 1/2 tsp chopped parsley, handful of grapes. Lunch; Chicken Caesar salad, handful of nuts. Dinner; 2 pieces of salmon, fried in butter, with 1 cup of vegetables.

Overall Questions:

  1. Personally, I would be able to follow the Zone diet because my whole family has a long history of high blood sugar levels and it would be amazing to keep it regulated for the rest of my life so that I am as healthy as I am now, when I’m 40.
  2. The Zone diet, because I personally think that Crossfit is the best physical way to lose weight, burn fat and gain muscle all at the same time. Having this diet mixed in with that intensity would help you keep your body visually in good shape as the diet keeps your body healthy.